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Tuesday, December 15, 2009


This Art of painting was created with KNIFE...

Painting with a knife is a bit like putting butter or jam on bread and produces quite a different result to a brush. Painting knives are excellent for producing textured, impasto work and sweeping areas of flat color as well as tiny shapes of color.
Although there is a difference between a painting knife and a palette knife, many people use the terms interchangeably. I don't see that it really matters. The main difference is, after all, that it's not a brush that you're using to paint with.
Strictly speaking, a
palette knife is a long, straight blade or spatula that is used for mixing paints and scraping a palette clean, not for applying paint onto a canvas. A palette knife can be made from metal, plastic, or wood and will either be completely straight or have a slightly cranked (bent) handle.

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